Salubrious Working Dog Food Chicken with Grain

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Salubrious Healthy Dog Food - Cold Pressed Working Dog Food Chicken with Grains 12KG

A complete cold pressed dog food - the closest alternative to raw! All of the ingredients are grown and produced in the UK, along with our gentle cooking process all of the ingredients, including the vitamins and minerals are retained, meaning you feed 25% LESS than the brand leading extruded kibble and most importantly giving you a happy and healthy dog.

We are simply the best - our taste test has been trialled and tested against the rest!

Feeding Guideline & Ingredients

Salubrious food is gently cooked between 45-50°C which leads to:
    100% FREE OF CANCER-CAUSING ACRYLAMIDE!! for the certificate of proof available in the images
    All the natural vitamins, minerals, smells and flavours are retained in the food due to not overheating.
    Being easily digestible, resulting in the ability to fully digest the presented proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, meaning smaller, solid and reduced smelling poos, which makes for an easier scoop.
    Our food does not excessively swell in the dogs’ somach so absolutely NO bloating or swelling, resulting in a happy dog.
    NO Carbonisation or a taste of scorching due to being gently cooked.
    The closest alternative to raw food.
    36% Chicken
    Paleo Diet - to eat whole foods and avoid processed.
    Hypoallergenic - wholesome ingredients.
    Fresh produce equals GREAT TASTE
    Healthy dog food - SIMPLY THE BEST AVAILABLE!

•    NO dairy
•    NO canola (rapeseed oil)
•    NO antibiotics

•    NO hormones

•    NO soya

•    NO liquorice* (* fed daily is not advisable)


Usage - check the breed adult weight and relate that to the table

+/- 10% depending on metabolism

Guideline Recommendations for feeding - Food as g per day (preferably in several meals).

Our dogs are a part of our lives, part of the family and we owe them the best, especially when we know right from wrong, the evidence is clear, overwhelming in favour of COLD PRESSED PELLETS, please do the right thing!


  • Acrylamide max daily dose for a HUMAN per kg of body weight to avoid cancer is 2.6 µg (micro grams) per day.

  • Work it out for your dog – Their body weight in kg's ____ X 2.6 = ____ µg per day. This number is what is safe for your dog to intake per day.

  • NEXT take your dogs daily kibble intake in grams ____ X 0.369 = ____. This number is the amount of Acrylamide levels your dog has per day. Divide this number by your dogs weight in kg's ____ = ____ to find out how many times above the allowance rate your dog is.

WARNING:- Do not over feed, weigh your dog, weigh the food.
Over feeding will result in weight gain and loose stools.

Introduce food gradually over several days. Ensure fresh clean water is available at all times.

Individual dogs will vary in their requirements as they grow, so please use the above as only a guide. 
It is advised that the food is check-weighed against the above recommended allowances.

Ingredients - poultry meat, wheat, barley, peas, linseed, cane molasses, beet pulp, chicken oil, vitamins and minerals, lucerne, herbs (parsley, chicory, kelp, peppermint, basil, fennel, thyme, ginger, aniseed, yucca and rosemary). 


•  VITAMINS - vitamin A 13000iu/kg, vitamin D3 1750iu/kg, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) 200iu/kg.

•  TRACE ELEMENTS - iodine as calcium iodate 1.5mg/kg, Iron as iron (II) sulphate monohydrate 40mg/kg, copper as copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate 5mg/kg, zinc as zinc oxide 100mg/kg, manganese as manganese (II) oxide 25mg/kg, selenium as sodium selenite 0.1mg/kg.

•  TECHNOLOGICAL ADDITIVES - with antioxidants.
Contains vitamins and trace minerals for a complete dog food

•  ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS - crude protein 22.5%, crude fats 10%, crude ash 8.5%, crude fibre 3.5%


Salubrious Chicken Cold Pressed dog food
Salubrious Cold Pressed Dog Food
Salubrious Working dog feeding guide
Certificate of Proof

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